
pictures from the homestead

Moss... I am trying to grow it in hopes of filling gaps in the old sidewalk cracks around the house to deter weeds.

My sidekick on foraging and other activities on state grounds. Meet Lady Luna (Moon for short). I bought her from a horse trader in bad shape and made her healthy again. We are becoming great partners.

Tropical Arrowhead Plants in two varieties

Sweet potato vine blooms

The granddaughter grew the pumpkins alongside me this year and she decided she would be head decorator for the fall yard.

Fall fun crafting! This gourd was given to me by my grandmother. One of the last she grew. I decided to paint it up like a Halloween decoration and I couldn't be more pleased.

I don't want to waste. Whenever I can avoid doing so I do. Here I am drying the skins from the tomatoes i canned to grind into a wonderful powder to add to recipes.

several jars of pineapple and mango salsa, pineapple habenero hot sauce, and cowboy candy.

Here is a load of water bathed tomatoes.

Moonflowers growing on the trellis attached to the old garage side. There is a bat house on this wall and I am trying to entice them to the neighborhood.

this is what those beautiful decorative sweet potato vine plants do when you bring them in for the winter.

One of the places that fills with tropicals and succulents to get through our winters.

dark meat chicken canned and saved for quick fix chicken dishes. Much better than chicken in a can from the store.

first year garden and preserving... tomatoes canned whole for off season use.

The baddest of the bad.... Snoopy. The dachsund/chihuahua mix that thinks he is tougher than any large animal!

One of the guard dogs during nap. Meet Boomer the Miniature Pinscher rescue.

Personal Collection Tourmaline in Quartz Point, Dendritic Citrine Point, Bumble Bee Point and more

Personal Collection Pirate Ship Ghost Garden Point, Ice Quartz Point, and Natural Green Tinted Quartz Point

Personal Collection Smoky Quartz

Some of the tropicals indoors for winter

Personal Collection Alter Pieces

Clear Quartz Hearts

Personal Collection Alter

Chalcedony Points

Ruby in Kyanite

Deep Rose Quartz Points

Personal Collection Enhydro

UV light on Ruby in Kyanite Spheres

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